General Instruments Commander 8: C8U-H Fully Functional W/ 6 Month Warranty!!!

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Condition: Refurbished

Product Overview: The Commander 8® Upconverter (model C8U) is the next generation headend Upconverter which builds on the award winning success of the Commander 6® Upconverter. 2 frequency agile models, the C8U-L (50 to 600 MHz) and the C8U-H (550 to 1000 MHz), cover all current and future broadband frequency requirements up to 1 GHz, with a convenient 50 MHz frequency overlap between Models The C8U consists of dual independent Upconverters in a reliable single rack unit (1RU) package, avoiding thermal and mating problems while providing space efficiency. A bright, wide two-line vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) provides access to all upconverter controls and is accessed via a convenient menu system. Front panel access to independent RF and IF test points is provided. Easy rear panel fuse access is also provided. Each independent upconverter in the C8U incorporates three switchable IF inputs for redundancy, emergency alert or programming purposes, facilitating operational flexibility.


- Superior phase noise performance

- Dual independent upconverters in 1RU

- 1 GHz bandwidth in two models

- Frequency selection in 12.5 kHz steps or by HRC, IRC, EIA channel maps

- User friendly display and interface

- Network management ready

- Internal sensors for IF and RF signals

- DC power capable

- Downloadable firmware

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Condition: Refurbished

Product Overview: The Commander 8® Upconverter (model C8U) is the next generation headend Upconverter which builds on the award winning success of the Commander 6® Upconverter. 2 frequency agile models, the C8U-L (50 to 600 MHz) and the C8U-H (550 to 1000 MHz), cover all current and future broadband frequency requirements up to 1 GHz, with a convenient 50 MHz frequency overlap between Models The C8U consists of dual independent Upconverters in a reliable single rack unit (1RU) package, avoiding thermal and mating problems while providing space efficiency. A bright, wide two-line vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) provides access to all upconverter controls and is accessed via a convenient menu system. Front panel access to independent RF and IF test points is provided. Easy rear panel fuse access is also provided. Each independent upconverter in the C8U incorporates three switchable IF inputs for redundancy, emergency alert or programming purposes, facilitating operational flexibility.


- Superior phase noise performance

- Dual independent upconverters in 1RU

- 1 GHz bandwidth in two models

- Frequency selection in 12.5 kHz steps or by HRC, IRC, EIA channel maps

- User friendly display and interface

- Network management ready

- Internal sensors for IF and RF signals

- DC power capable

- Downloadable firmware

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