Blonder Tongue Labs

VMI-CEQ8V Equalizer Module - Specify an EQ Value: 6 dB

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: 4770

Condition: New

Product overview: This 860 MHz VMI Unit seizure board accepts plug-in circuitry based on system design criteria. The Seizure Board taps RF and power from the feeder cable. Directional Coupler directs a portion of the RF signal to the RF distribution module and VideoMasks other components. The equalizer controls the tilt of the subscriber output signal and does not affect the feeder cable or reverse path. Attenuator works with the directional coupler to lower the signal reaching the subscriber output ports.
Trim Network may be used instead of a forward path attenuator to compensate for non-linear system response and allow for forward path balancing. The TVCB accepts many of the same plug-in circuitry, specifically the Equalizer, Attenuator, and Trim Network.
Key Features

  • Accepts plug-in circuitry based on system design criteria

  • Seizure board taps RF and power from the feeder cable

  • Can use trim network instead of a forward path attenuator to compensate for non-linear system response

  • Equalizer controls tilt of the subscriber output signal

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Condition: New

Product overview: This 860 MHz VMI Unit seizure board accepts plug-in circuitry based on system design criteria. The Seizure Board taps RF and power from the feeder cable. Directional Coupler directs a portion of the RF signal to the RF distribution module and VideoMasks other components. The equalizer controls the tilt of the subscriber output signal and does not affect the feeder cable or reverse path. Attenuator works with the directional coupler to lower the signal reaching the subscriber output ports.
Trim Network may be used instead of a forward path attenuator to compensate for non-linear system response and allow for forward path balancing. The TVCB accepts many of the same plug-in circuitry, specifically the Equalizer, Attenuator, and Trim Network.
Key Features

  • Accepts plug-in circuitry based on system design criteria

  • Seizure board taps RF and power from the feeder cable

  • Can use trim network instead of a forward path attenuator to compensate for non-linear system response

  • Equalizer controls tilt of the subscriber output signal

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